We have a customization where the MEASUREMENT table contains a TICKETID column pointing to a record in the TICKET table.
There is a relationship called TICKETS with these properties:
WHERECLAUSE: ticketid = :ticketid
MboRemoteSet measurements = /* an mboset of measurements. */
MboRemote measurement = /* a measurement record being updated */
MboSetRemote tickets = measurement.getMboSet("TICKETS");
MboRemote ticket = tickets.add();
measurement.setValue("TICKETID", ticket.getString("TICKETID"));
/* in a later block of code, but in the same transaction */
MboSetRemote tickets = measurement.getMboSet("TICKETS");
MboRemote ticket = tickets.getMbo(0);
/* ticket is now null! */
The problem was a reset() on the second getMboSet("TICKETS").
The first getMboSet("TICKETS") created a related MboSet to the TICKETS table. Internally, Maximo stores the relationship where clause used to create that relationship. In the first case, that relationship is "ticketid = ''".
In the second getMboSet("TICKETS") the relationship where clause has become "ticketid = 'new ticketid'". Maximo sees this difference and resets the MboSet before returning it to the caller.
I ended up with a MEASUREMENT record referencing a TICKET that didn't exist in the database.
The fix was to reset the relationship after setting TICKETID.
measurement.setValue("TICKETID", ticket.getString("TICKETID"));
RelationInfo ri = measurements.getMboSetInfo().getRelationInfo(tickets.getRelationName());
SqlFormat sf = new SqlFormat(measurement, ri.getSqlExpr());
This reset the relationship where clause between MEASUREMENT and TICKETS without resetting the MboSet and losing my new TICKET object.
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